Housing Committee Agenda Item 8 (d)
Brighton and Hove City Council
Subject: Cost of in-house responsive repairs and empty property refurbishment service
Date of meeting: 22 June 2022
Councillor Osborne
Councillor Williams
Ward(s) affected: All
Amendment to Notice of Motion
Green and Labour Group
This committee:
1) Notes the proposal from the Leader of the Council that a report be undertaken by the Housing Committee to consider the question of what the final costs have been to deliver an in-house responsive repairs and empty property refurbishments service and set up and mobilisation costs, compared to the estimated costs outlined in the report presented to the Policy Resources and Growth Committee meeting on 11 October 2018
2) Notes that satisfaction both with the standard of the work and with the overall service improved over the last year
3) Recognises the difficulty of producing a like-for-like comparison given the different ways of working of an in-house service compared with a contracted service (i.e. the improved terms and conditions provided for the in-house workforce), and the need to allow for additional costs that have arisen in the interim such as building materials inflation
4) Calls for a
report to review all costs and benefits of bringing the repairs
service in house to be undertaken and presented to a
next meeting of the Housing Committee.
Supporting Information
p.111 of the Reports Pack to Housing Committee June 2022